Educational support, activities and career advice
Positive Alternative- Minority Matters Enriched-Educational Programme:
– Core subjects support for BAME children 6-18 years old, term time by qualified experienced tutors. Personalised support, identifying the academic level and support requirement of each student
– Self-development, Employment & Career advice, CV and personal statement
– Personal growth and development, team and confidence building
– Cultural events, outings and fun activities during school holidays
– Mentoring, volunteering, internship and work experience support

Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) Victims & Families support
Minority Matters has been working with children and young people groomed and criminally exploited into running county lines. Our work is focused on:
– Being a first contact point for affected families from hard to reach communities
– Linking families with local authorities for safeguarding support
– Reporting missing children and young people
– Joining family and community search parties for missing children
– Booking and arranging prison visits for parents
– Acting as Appropriate Adult for children and young adults
– Raising awareness of child criminal exploitations with parents
– Speaking at conferences for healthcare providers and other professionals, raising awareness of the issue and giving insights into how it affects hard to reach communities
– Building capacity of those working with affected children and young people
– Campaigning for changes to the law to better protect children and young people against CCE
– Lobbying the police, local authorities and government to end CCE
As a charity working with hard to reach communities, we have unique insights into the loopholes used to target children and young adults from these communities, in order to criminally exploit them. We not only work closely with parents, but advocate for them to ensure their voices are heard by decision-makers. Beyond that, we work hard to change professional misconceptions about CCE, which affect the way services are delivered to young victims.
We refuse to accept that children and young people want to be victimised, which is what the accepted narrative about CCE points to. No child or young person wants to be enslaved, hurt and criminally exploited.

Professionals workshops, support and community engagements
– Workshops giving an insight of real service user experiences, barriers, challenges and impact
– Create opportunities for dialogue and improved outcomes
– Organise meetings & coffee morning, for direct engagement
– Sign-post existing services, identifying gaps & making services accessible

Campaign against the criminal grooming and exploitation of children & young people
– Gather information, advocate & ensure the voices of parents are heard
– Campaign for changes in legislation to better protect victims of CCE

Community Parent Champions Programme
Personal Development, Community & Statutory Bodies Engagement and Parents Capacity Building Workshops.
– 10-14-weeks personal development classes, including building self-confidence, anger management, outreach and peer support, delivered by a qualified self-development coach
– Workshops, jointly run by Minority Matters, in partnership with Islington Council, which include information on available services, feedback/impact on users and keeping children and young people safe

Muslim Community Engagement
Minority Matters has been running the Muslim Community Engagement project to create a safer learning environments in after-school settings. Since 2015, we have delivered:
– Safeguarding focused teacher training courses to supplementary school and madrasah teachers in Camden, Hackney and Islington
– Parents workshops raising awareness on safety issues with professional speakers from statutory bodies and voluntary sector
– Prevent training from a community perspective
Minority Matters was one of handful charities awarded the Home Office innovation fund to deliver this project. We have been advocating a safeguarding focused and positive community engagement approach with the Home Office, influencing the way local authorities deliver the government’s Prevent strategy.
We have trained over 150 supplementary school and madrasah teachers, and delivered safeguarding workshops to thousands of parents in Camden, Hackney and Islington. Through this project, we have broken down barriers between hard to reach communities and local authority professionals. We supported bridge-building that has led to continued positive engagement in the ways services are accessed and delivered.

Claim Your Future
A 16-week motivational course for Somali parents and children. Rooted in Somali culture and values, along with practical tips and guidance on how to:
– Build self-confidence
– Strengthen communications Skills
– Manage anger & Stress
– Set goals in easy and attainable ways
– Develop leadership Skills
– Manage your time & identify time drains
– Audit skills & form the habit of affective learning skills
– Learn or improve organisational skills
– Develop noble & supreme manners & character
The workshops were delivered by a motivational coach in an energetic and inspiring way. The aspirational delivery and topics focused on making positive changes were a hit with children and parents alike. Creating an engaging learning environment and giving participants tools to improve their lives.